
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Making fun of religion's fine, at least with me

Surfing the net, I came upon this, and was immediately horrified by the reaction of the CSF. The reaction puts me in mind of no-one so much as the Shiv Sena. A fast unto death "if the government fails to take action against anti-Christian movies". What have we come to? Blackmail against free speech, bigod.

'"You can't make fiction on a religious figure. Tempers are already running quite high and there's no way of saying what could happen if the movie is released," [CSF general secretary Joseph Dias] said.' Shades of the Islamic reaction to the whole damn' cartoon thing.


I'm as Catholic as anyone and really don't give a damn about 'anti-Christian' movies. I understand that the ecclesiastical authorities have to make the right noises, but I can't believe they really care either.

Update: From this it seems that a precedent has been established. Oh woe.

I seem to have been bitten by the blogging bug. Whereas I only created this account to post comments to Kapur's blog, the first thing I did after I read that article was rush to blogger to vent my spleen. To misquote:

Out flew the web and opened wide
The mirror crack'd from side to side
The urge is come upon me, cried
Yours truly.