
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Making fun of religion's fine, at least with me

Surfing the net, I came upon this, and was immediately horrified by the reaction of the CSF. The reaction puts me in mind of no-one so much as the Shiv Sena. A fast unto death "if the government fails to take action against anti-Christian movies". What have we come to? Blackmail against free speech, bigod.

'"You can't make fiction on a religious figure. Tempers are already running quite high and there's no way of saying what could happen if the movie is released," [CSF general secretary Joseph Dias] said.' Shades of the Islamic reaction to the whole damn' cartoon thing.


I'm as Catholic as anyone and really don't give a damn about 'anti-Christian' movies. I understand that the ecclesiastical authorities have to make the right noises, but I can't believe they really care either.

Update: From this it seems that a precedent has been established. Oh woe.

I seem to have been bitten by the blogging bug. Whereas I only created this account to post comments to Kapur's blog, the first thing I did after I read that article was rush to blogger to vent my spleen. To misquote:

Out flew the web and opened wide
The mirror crack'd from side to side
The urge is come upon me, cried
Yours truly.


  • ah you did...honoured!
    btw you did not tell me who the "skinny mutual friend" of ours is

    By Blogger bluesky, at May 12, 2006 5:39 PM  

  • The skinny mutual friend must be the Singapore bugger

    By Blogger Hanzila, at May 12, 2006 8:01 PM  

  • Is there a bugger in Singapore? I was probably referring to the one in London.

    By Blogger André, at July 04, 2006 9:59 PM  

  • Heteroscedasticities!!

    Statistics follower eh?

    By Blogger Self Writeous, at August 16, 2006 5:12 AM  

  • In a manner of speaking.. :)

    By Blogger André, at August 19, 2006 8:38 PM  

  • Good-good. You blog, too.

    Linked to yours from Tharunya's.

    By Blogger the Monk, at October 07, 2006 11:55 PM  

  • U m ust be referring to Da Vinci Code. I didnt see the movie but have read the book. Nothing objectionable in it as far as i could make out. Who does not know of secret societies within religious groups, of secret funds utilised for secret missions, dogmas and deviations. It is all part of the big jamboree called religion, of whatever hue. But frankly Andre, how many persons are ther who think like u? may be 0.0000001 per cent. So, u and I cannot change the scenario. It will take centuries and perhaps upheavals of a frightful magnitude to change this world and the way people think. Not in our life time anyway.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 30, 2006 11:09 PM  

  • the point of these protests are not that they feel very strongly about any religion.. it is just that these elements just need a reason to to be in the news and most of em are politically motivated

    By Blogger the stygian sailor, at December 07, 2006 5:40 AM  

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